How to Install a CMS – Adam Talks – Eps. 4


This post will be about how to install a CMS, or content management system, for those of you who decided to go with WordPress (If you chose a different CMS we are still stoked for you but this is for WordPress users. See you on the next blog post). There are a few steps we have to take to install a CMS. It may seem complicated at first, but it’s not too hard once you get going.

The steps that we will be taking are:

  • Downloading the WordPress mainframe
  • Uploading WordPress to your Host Server
  • Connecting your Database and User

First, go to and download the latest WordPress to your computer. Once that’s done, you need to upload WordPress to your host server (see earlier blog post on how to host a website). You can do this one of two ways:

  1. Use an FTP (file transfer protocol)
  2. Log onto the website where your host is located and use Cpanel

Installing a CMS Through FTP

This is the traditional way to install a CMS. After you have connected to the server, you need to create a folder in which to house the wordpress files that are inside the html folder. Before you upload the WordPress files, make sure to unzip the zip file you downloaded earlier. Upload the files unzipped so the server can read them properly.

While that does it’s thing, go onto your host site again and create a database and user that is associated with the website you are making. Make sure to write down the name of the database, database user, password and external hostname as you will need these soon.

When that’s done, put the URL for your website in your browser. You’ll see a prompt to select the language that is appropriate for you, then a few boxes to put in the info we talked about writing down earlier. Next, you’ll see an option to run the install and WordPress will install on the server for you.

How to Install a CMS through Cpanel

If you want to install WordPress through Cpanel, you won’t have to make databases and users yourself.

First, login to your Cpanel. Do this either by typing in your url and adding /cpanel, or by logging in to your hosting service and look for the domains Top Applications section (You may have to scroll down the page to find it.). Keep in mind, each hosting site is different in how you get to the Cpanel, so you can seek support on their website to help you get there. Once you do, click on the WordPress icon under Scripts. On the next screen you’ll see a blue “install” button. Go ahead and click that.

You’ll then have to put in some information and create a user. In Software Setup, your most important options are choosing your protocol (We generally stick with https) and domain. For the domain, click on the dropdown to choose the domain you want to use if you don’t already see it.

Note: You’ll need to have bought your domain already for this to work

Under “Site Settings”, put in your site name and site description. You have to do both otherwise the install won’t work. Then the Admin Username, password, and email will need to be chosen, as well as the language for the site. At this point, you don’t have to choose any plugins or anything else. Once you’ve chosen all your details go ahead and click install and you’re done!

That’s how to install a CMS for real (not Adam’s way)! Drop us a comment if you have questions. And, as always, we’d be happy to make things easier and build your website for you!