How to Choose A Website Theme – Adam Talks – Eps. 5


Your Website Theme is Your Brand

So here’s how to choose a website theme you love

Choosing a website theme honestly comes down to personal preference. You can really choose whichever look you like best, but make sure you also consider functionality when you’re choosing a theme. Here at Wolf & Key, we have a couple different places that we like to get themes from for WordPress sites. When you’re starting to think about how to choose a website theme for your site, these are a great place to kick things off!

Other sites such as Squarespace, Weebly, and Wix come with their own set of template themes.


For starters, we have, and it makes sense that WordPress’ own site would have a whole bunch (over 4800) free themes for you to choose from. All these themes are only added after a lengthy review process, so they will follow the WordPress guidelines well. However, keep in mind that, since these are free themes, they might be lacking in some optimizations that premium themes have. It’s up to you whether you think they’re worth your time, but, if you’re just starting out, it’s a gold mine.


If you are looking for something with a little more meat, might be a fantastic option for you. ThemeForest is a part of the larger Envato family (which has loads of other avenues that can help you with all your media needs), and has some of the best selling WordPress themes ever. Every theme developer has to offer full support and documentation for their products, and a majority of them have a 6 month license period. All items, just like, are reviewed and tested to make sure they have the best of the best. And, due to the saturated market, a lot of themes throw in extra features to entice you to buy. Capitalism!


Lastly, we have, which is a WordPress club that you pay for yearly. They have about 50 themes, but they all look gorgeous. This can actually make choosing a theme much easier, as you aren’t overwhelmed with choices. All themes have demos, so make sure you explore to your heart’s content before purchasing. One of the biggest benefits to Themify is that all their sites have the famed drag and drop builder. That makes it super easy to customize your site.

These are only a few of the multiple WordPress theme sites that are out there. If you didn’t find a website theme you like here, there are a lot of other sites you can peruse to find the perfect one for you, so don’t stress about how to choose a website theme! There’s one out there!