Instagram marketing. It’s a relatively new marketing technique in the scope of things. And with anything relatively new, there comes a whole new field to navigate. There are a lot of ways to successfully pull this tactic off. But there are just as many ways to do the wrong thing. Here at Wolf & Key, we keep up to date with the newest strategies, tips and tricks. So we thought we’d share some of them with you.

The Do’s

  • Post Consistently: This lets your users know you are dedicated to this part of your brand, making you look reliable which is always great.
  • Ask Questions: A huge goal of social media marketing is engagement. This builds brand awareness and customer relationships. Asking questions promotes engagement in an easy way.
  • Engage With Others: Speaking of engagement, replying to comments, going onto the profile of people who have liked/commented on your posts, etc. will make your followers feel valued. This promotes brand loyalty.
  • Use Video: It’s been proven that using video captures the eye of your users much easier than static imagery. Sprinkling it in every once in a while when possible will help you stand out. Who doesn’t want to be a memorable brand?

The Don’t’s

  • Post Generic or Stock Photographs: Personality is what Instagram users in. That’s why unoriginal photos won’t perform as well as other pictures.
  • Over Post: If you add more than one or two posts you will clog up your followers’ feeds. With that, you’ll end up being unfollowed because users want to see more varied content.
  • Forget To Add Captions: Personality, personality, personality. Captions are how your followers can see and hear your voice. After all, that’s what they’re there for.
  • Forget To Measure Everything: Social media is a strategy just like everything else for your business. Keep track of what is working and what isn’t. This gives great insight into what you should post more of and what you should stay away from.

Those are just a few of the ways you can succeed (or not). Are you in need of an updated social feed? Reach out to Wolf & Key today and let our social media team give you a hand.