This is freaking important, guys.
We do a segment in our Wolf & Key weekly newsletter, The Howl, called “Why is Lynn Triggered?”
This blog post would have been a part of one of those segments, except this topic is SO D*MN TRIGGERING that we (by that we mean Lynn) believed it needed it’s own dedicated post. So here we go.
Apart vs. a part. Which one do you use?
There is a HUGE difference between these two phrases. They are NOT interchangeable. So what’s the difference between apart and a part, and when should you use one or the other?
In short, the best way to remember it is that you can be a part of something, and you can be apart from something. But you can’t be apart of something or a part from something.
Apart is an adverb, and it denotes separation. So think space between. Like “we were apart for a whole year and it was terrible ’cause we’re basic and co-dependent.”
A part indicates that something is a fraction of a whole. Think “I’m a part of this rad company called Wolf & Key.” Contrary to what social media may believe, you can’t “be apart of this great team of people that does all this awesome shit except look up the difference between apart and a part before we use them in a sentence.”
So that’s that. The apart vs. a part debate (which isn’t really a debate but should be) is actually pretty simple if you just try for like, a second. And yeah yeah, we get it. Grammar stuff is so boring and why do we even care. But you should care. Because the way you write (specially if you’re writing for, say, your business) is a reflection of who you are and the brain you have inside your head.
If you want to present yourself as a professional, whether you’re copywriting for a company or just trying not to look like an idiot on Facebook, then you better use good grammar. Some people still care about that shit.