What Kevin Kennedy Actually Does at Wolf & Key
"Literally, Wolf & Key revolves around me... no don't quote that!" -Kevin
We've become aware of an issue.
A question, if you will. We've become aware of the fact that people have no idea what Kevin...
What’s a Lead Capture Form and How Do You Use it?
Often overlooked, lead capture forms are actually the start to everything you've been wanting for your business — more leads, more clients, more data. No matter what your business size, whether you're a massage...
Adobe Premiere Pro Vs. Final Cut Pro
Choosing the Right Video Editor
Using the right tools for your business is a huge part of making sure you're successful. When it comes to video editing, which we do a lot of here at...
YouTube Ads & How to Use Them
Small Businesses Have A Place on YouTube
People spend an insane amount of time on YouTube. We're talking multiple hours a day. It's a major social media site where billions of users log in on...
Video Marketing Made Easy
Let's talk video marketing, and how to do it well.
There’s a reason videos are everywhere in the marketing world: They work. In fact, 87% of online marketers use video content. In other words, videos are a force...
Quality Score: 3 Reasons It Matters & How To Increase It
Your Google Adwords Quality Score estimates the overall quality of your keywords, ads, and landing pages in relation to one another. This 1 – 10 rating is evaluated primarily at the keyword level, determining the relevance...
The Best Google Ad Extensions & How to Use Them
The art of online pay-per-click advertising has become a puzzle of ad text, keywords, and search rankings. Even after countless hours of research and optimization, you can still...
Lead Generation Through Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
PPC: Sitting Pretty At the Top of the Lead Gen Food Chain
One of the most frustrating things you can experience as a business owner is an ineffective lead generation campaign. Even if you offer...