Happy 2019!

It’s officially the new year, and you know what that means. We all get to make new year’s resolutions that we’ll never keep! Hooray! In the spirit of being motivated for a month then forgetting what our resolutions actually are, here are Wolf & Key’s new year’s resolutions that we hopefully WILL keep (they say it helps to write them down and publish them on your blog).

3) Company Wellness

It’s a new year, so we gotta hop on that wellness train. But, in all seriousness, we were thinking about this the end of last year, so we were on the bandwagon before it was a bandwagon. Personal wellness has always been something we’re passionate about as a business. So much so that it’s already a huge part of our culture. But this year we’re taking it to the next level. We’re going to offer our employees loads of perks to help them keep healthy this year both mentally, physically, and professionally. Because when your employees love their lives, everyone benefits.

2) New Media

This is our way of unofficially officially announcing that there are going to be some new video series launches this year. We’re super excited about them, but since we tried to launch them last year and it didn’t happen (because loads of other growth was happening within the company), we’re making it a resolution that it actually does happen this year. Stay tuned because they’re gonna be awesome.

1) Refine our brand

We’re making this a huge one this year. Last year, Wolf & Key saw the most growth it ever has. That was amazing and we’re so thankful to each of you and our awesome team for being a part of it. That being said, we want 2019 to be even better. To get there, we’re going to be re-working our image and priorities to highlight what we really believe Wolf & Key to be. We’re keeping the raw, no bullshit culture that you all know and love, but we’re also going to be highlighting other aspects of our business. We’ll bring you class, knowledge, new insights, and loads of things that’ll help you improve and grow your business. We’re super excited, we hope you are too.

New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Always Stick

But we’re committed. Because 2019 is gonna be a huge year for Wolf & Key, you just wait. You thought things were going well now? Well they are, but they’re about to get even better. We can’t wait to see what this year has in store for our company and yours. To follow along with all our happenings, make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter and you follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

Happy 2019 from the Wolf Pack!