Everybody Freak Out

Huge news in the internet world lately: SSL rules have changed. If you don’t know what that means, that’s cool, we’ll explain it here. Just know that this changes in how you present yourself as a business and interact with clients and customers. Let’s get down to exactly what happened and why it matters to you.

First, let’s clarify exactly what SSL is

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It’s basically an online security protocol that makes sure information shared between web servers and browsers (like Google Chrome, Safari, etc.) stays secure and encrypted. It’s the only difference between a secure website and a non-secure website, and, in order to have a secure site, you have to have an SSL certificate. If you don’t have one, we’ll explain how to get one in just a second.

How can you tell the difference between SSL and non-SSL sites?

Well this is the BIG change. It used to be that you could only tell which websites are secure. All you have to do is look to the left of the website URL. An SSL secured site will have a padlock icon and say “Secure”. Before the recent changes, non-secure sites just wouldn’t display anything.

Now, non-secure websites, sites without an SSL certificate, will prominently display “Not Secure” next to the URL.

It’s like a giant red flag, warning visitors to that site that the information they share there may not be fully secure.

Why This Matters to You

The simple answer: online security matters a LOT to pretty much everyone, including your clients. And, not only is it about protecting personal information and identity online, but it’s also about credibility. Companies with a large online presence that are generally considered trustworthy (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, *ahem* Wolf & Key Marketing) all have secure sites. This gives people browsing those websites confidence not only that their info is secure, but that the company which owns the site is credible enough to have an SSL certificate and they cared enough to get one. If the company doesn’t have a certificate, well, it’s a lot more obvious now.

So it’s a credibility issue. It’s a security issue. And it’s an issue of how you present your business to potential clients or customers. In this world of everyone’s-scared-of-everything, even the tiniest changes make a huge difference. Ensuring you have that padlock next to your company’s URL could be the difference between a client choosing you or leaving your site for a secure one and opting in to a competitor’s services instead.

Important note if you didn’t already know: if you have a business or website that in any way requires people to input information like credit card numbers or even their name and address, you absolutely have to have an SSL secure site.

If you don’t have an SSL certificate on your site, that means, first of all, that the Wolf Pack didn’t build your site for you and you should probably have us do that ’cause we’re really good at it. Second, here’s how to get one.

Sound off in the comments if you have questions about this topic! We’re here to help you out!